Sumatra Mandheling | Deebe's Coffee
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Sumatra Mandheling

Sumatra Mandheling

REGION: Karo Highlands

ALTITUDE: 1100-1350


Q-GRADE: 84.75 Points

CUP: Heavy Body, Mild Acidity

FLAVOR: Sweet Tobacco, Dark Chocolate, Cedar, Raisin


Sumatran coffee is truly differentiated because of its unique wet-hulled processing method. The process uses water to remove the cherry's red pulp and mucilage, while also removing the parchment layer in a "wet huller". By removing the parchment layer the bean dries faster, which is beneficial in Indonesia's wet climate. In Grade 1 coffees the process continues with meticulous color sorting to eliminate defective green coffee beans. The wet-hulled process gives Sumatra its signature intense earthy flavors of cedar and tobacco, as well as rich, sweet chocolate


In the cup, this classic wet-hulled Sumatra offers both rich sweetness and savory depth. On the nose, red currant, dark chocolate, pipe tobacco, and a delicate violet-like floral are supported by undertones of sweet herbs (lemon verbena) and fragrant wood (fresh-cut cedar). This coffee is easily pushed to medium-dark roast, softening perceived acidity and fleshing out the already satiny body.


Available whole bean or ground in 4 oz Taster, 1 lb or 5 lb bags. 

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